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歴史的に日本の深い森林と海に囲まれた環境は、繊細な気づきの感覚や自然を敬う価値観が育まれました。  また、そこから生まれた美意識は、無限の事柄を単純に昇華させて見せたり、人への思いやりを「おもてなし」として様式美にまで高めました。

​yokihina(ヨキヒナ)は、デザイン事務所ヨキヒナ・デザインが運営するブランド名です。 松尾芭蕉の俳句「初桜折りしも今日はよき日なり」から名付けました。茶会に行こうとしていた芭蕉が桜の開花に気づき、今日はいい日(茶会にふさわしい日)になりそうだ。と詠った俳句です。
「今日は、いい日になりそうだ。」 幸せの予感を、あなたに届けられますように。​
デザイナー , ヨキヒナ・デザイン代表 
長田 洋之 Hiroyuki OSADA
富士重工業株式会社(現(株)SUBARU)デザイン部を経て、2012年、DESIGN TOKYO/
2013年、Interior life styleにて、オリジナルプロダクトブランド「yokihina」を発表。
yokihina design ヨキヒナ・デザイン
〒 178-0061 東京都練馬区大泉学園町4-22-4-4F
Portfolio ヨキヒナ・デザインが手がけた仕事例
Japan has nurtured a delicate sense of awareness and a value of respect for nature in the environment that the whole country has always been surrounded by deep forest and sea. Then, a sense of beauty or “aesthetics” was emerged in this atmosphere and it simply brought infinite matters to be sublimated and uplifted the emotion of caring to others to “Hospitality” as a beauty of style.
The usage of tools to feel each of the lives as well as to let them fulfill their lives, found beauty and elegance that emerges together with the passage of time. And such sense of beauty or“aesthetics” became guidelines of our behavior and judgment standard in our everyday life.
Japan is trying to find a new value of daily life in its current advanced mature society. As an objective can be easily lost or hidden on this era, we need to sort out values of beauty or “aesthetics” in the past to see a brand new dream with a silent passion and creativity.
yokihina is a newly launched product brand. We are and will keep challenging our concept of “time and aesthetics” while releasing products in which, its approach evokes primitive human sense and to which, its materials and expression that you can feel attachment, and also releasing products that we concern deeply about the degree of perfection as tools.
Products design office 'yokihina design'
Director  Hiroyuki  OSADA
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